Jane 24th August 2020

Well Frank … what can I say. Still can’t quite believe it. You’ve really shocked us this time. What can one say about someone as enigmatic as you? Impossible to sum up in just a few lines. A man of so many contradictions … prolific collector/consummate shedder, incredibly well-mannered/magnificently rude, vastly intelligent/at times naïve, endearing/infuriating, solitary, but always with a healthy supply of women in attendance (you would be thrilled to know that they still are!) Very sorry not to be able to come to the funeral, but because of this damn virus, numbers are restricted. But thoughts and prayers will go your way on 3rd and beyond. You will be toasted with a double Bombay Sapphire and a chocolate cake from Burgers, in time honoured tradition! Fly free, with love. Jane.